God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse
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God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse
God is charging the world with repeated failure to observe divine regulation.

God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse, written by Angela Renee' published by Affinity Publishing Group, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-64013-00-8 and can be purchased directly from their website apocalypseofgod.com. Or, you may purchase from your local book store.
The reason for the coming apocalypse is to rid the world of all evil that is being committed. God’s is charging the world with REPEATED FAILURE TO OBSERVE DIVINE REGULATION. God sent Moses and the prophets to show us the way. We did not obey Moses or the prophets. God sent his only son to show his love to the world. The world took the love He gave and has used it as a template to market and profit from the crucifixion.
False teachers are not following the true teachings of God through Moses or through Jesus. Many of God’s people have not had a chance to learn the truth of Jesus’ teachings and are at risk of perishing. This warning from God is confirmed in the Old Testament and The New Testament, and is the last warning that will be coming to us before God’s final judgment against the evil of this world. Anyone reading this cannot say to God or his angels that no warning was given.
This warning to the world has been signified by God through Jesus' teachings, Ezekiel’s visions of the worship around God’s throne seen 2500 years ago, John’s vision around God’s throne nearly 2000 years ago, and original 1999 color photos of Ezekiel's and John's visions, taken by Angela Renee', are included in this book, as well as illustrations of the Garden of Eden events.
• ◇ God's Final Warning to the World
• ◇ Jesus' True Identity Revealed
• ◇ Illustrations of Garden of Eden
• ◇ Color Photos of Worship Around God's Throne as seen in 500 BC and 30 AD by Ezekiel & John, taken in 1999 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
• ◇ New Testament Errors, Grades & Cleanup as Instructed by Jesus in Revelation
• ◇ The Ultimate Apocalypse Handbook
• ◇ The Mark of the Beast Identified
A Note From Angela Renee’
Dear Readers,
I am not a prophetess, I am not the Messiah, and everything written in this book is true. Twenty-five years ago, I heard God say, “Now will you sing for me?” It was when I was feeling the loss of two mothers. I was not sleep; actually I was standing up when I heard those words. I did not know what God actually meant until the Spirit of Truth started revealing things and opening my eyes to the scriptures and showing me through the Spirit of Truth the song God wants for the world.
I do not want to publish this book, but I have no other choice, for one, because I love God, I love Jesus, I love the Spirit of Truth who teaches me, and I love all of you. This book is NOT FICTION. It is not wrong to search out God’s truth, actually God welcomes it.
Everyone is going to hate me because of the message from God in this book. Jesus’ true identity is revealed in this book, the mark of the beast, and a message direct from God to all shepherds of God’s word, illustrations of the Garden of Eden events, including the Tree of Life, and original photos of the living creatures worshiping before God’s throne, taken by me in 1999.
It is very important for everyone to search out the truth in this book because the apocalypse is about to happen soon. The signs are already showing, and this has been confirmed by God and the Word of God in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Only God knows the exact time and date of the beginning of the Apocalypse.
In 1999, I took some photos. I saw something in the sky that caught my attention. Through all my loses over the years, I still have the photos taken back then. It wasn’t until I was working on this book that I discovered that my photos are the photos of four living creatures around God’s throne from Ezekiel Chapter 1, and the four living creatures in front of God’s throne in Revelation Chapter 4. These are original photos I shot with my camera in 1999, 25 years ago.
When I realized that these were photos of the worship before God’s throne that the prophets spoke of, as early as 2500 years ago, I got a little scared. But then I realized that God wanted to confirm this book so all would know that I am telling you the truth. The two witnesses provided by God for me, are Ezekiel and John, one from The Old Testament and one from The New Testament of the bible. The third witness is Jesus. Jesus said the gospel of the Kingdom must be published to all nations, and THIS book is what God wants published throughout all nations, languages, peoples, congregations and assemblies, churches, temples and mosques.
Most will not believe the message that God has delivered through me. Each person will have to determine for himself/herself whether or not to believe.
The first thing I must tell you is that God loves all assemblies, congregations, churches, temples and mosques, and all souls who are trying to Worship Him. It’s very important that everyone keep that in mind as you read this book. I am delivering this message in as simple words as possible because it is important that we all prepare for the apocalypse that is about to take place soon.
I pray for all of us especially those who truly want to be a part of God’s family and under God’s protection during the apocalypse.
The photos in this book are NOT photos of God. The photos are photos of the beasts/living creatures Ezekiel and John described worshiping God in front of God’s throne. The sketches in this book are my attempt to explain clearly why it is necessary to hear this message from God, and heed the warning to the world from God.
Because of the graphic nature of the photos and sketches, I urge you to use caution when reading this book in front of little children.
The text of this book will posted online freely for everyone. Because of the graphic nature, the photos will not be posted online. Also, posting the photos online will take away from the message God wants the world to hear before He brings destruction to the world in the Apocalypse. The photos are only available with purchase of the book.
In this book is a section on “How To Survive The Apocalypse”. This section is a detailed practical guide to things we all need to do to prepare for what’s coming.
If you have any questions or concerns about what is written in this book, talk to God, check your bible, and pray about it. That is the best advice I can give you. I will not get into debates about what is written in this book. I will prepare online videos so that maybe it will provide additional help to those who want to understand more regarding what is about to take place.
This book will be published in all languages for all nations as instructed by Jesus.
Let us all love one another, even when the truth hurts.
Angela Renee’
The apocalypse is here. Are you listening to me? The Apocalypse is here! Do you feel it? Do you have that gnawing pain of uncertainty that makes us afraid? Afraid of the unknown? It is known. It is written! God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse! Written by Angela Renee. So many lies have been spread, and we don't know the truth. If we don't know the truth, it is because we don't want to know it, and we will have no one to blame because we choose to follow the lies. The truth is not pretty.
God is charging the world with repeated failure to observe divine regulation. Let me be clear. God is charging the world with repeated failure to observe divine regulation. The world failed to follow love and chose hate over love. The world chose money over love for our neighbors. The world is indifferent to God.
The apocalypse is here. If you don't know it by now, then you choose to be blind to the tribulation that has fallen on the world. when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel. The apocalypse is here. It is written. All the prophets spoke of this time. Do you know how to survive? Do you think you will be ready? If you are a follower of God and want to be ready for the tribulation the prophets told us about, then you need this book. A new world order is being established right now and we need to be ready to make it through 3 1/2 years.
We need to be ready now. If we are not ready, we will not be able to resist the mark of the beast. . God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse! Gives you the truth of what is about to happen in the world. Remember the prophecy. Nation will rise against nation and religions against religions. There will be earthquakes and hunger, and diseases in many places. And when you see the abomination that makes desolate standing where it should not, then know that it is time. You cannot afford to not be prepared. I cannot stress to you enough that the time is now. The changes are taking place quickly in this world, and there are many already who do not understand. Those who want to be ready, will be ready? If you don't believe what this book is telling you, then you will not be ready. If you do not need to read this book, then you are not ready. Are you ready? If you have been crying over the state of this world, then you need this book and you need to arm yourself with the truth. The truth will be your salvation. Knowing the truth will help you prepare and to not go the way of the world. . We are all at risk of starvation. The waters in the ocean will dry up. . Are you ready? Do you have enough water on hand to survive 3 1/2 years? or even 1 year? If not, then you need this book. This hardcover book contains 484 pages of teaching to help you get through the tribulation or apocalypse that is already on this world. It will help you navigate through the sea of lies and quick changes that are taking place in the world. It includes an apocalypse handbook to guide you into surviving the things that are happening quickly according to scriptures of the prophets.
The teaching in this book is not like any book that is written. It has been sealed and signified by God through The Spirit of Truth. the only spirit Jesus promised to send. Are you ready for the plagues that are promised in the scriptures? Have you prepared? Do you have enough food to last 3 1/2 years? Are you ready for the earth to dry up? How will you get your vegetables? Do you need this book? Everyone who wants to survive the apocalypse needs this book.
This book will not be available online as an ebook. You may purchase God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse by visiting our website apocalypseofgod.com Or you may call 800-581-8183 for volume prices. You may also check with your local book store. God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse written by Angela Renee is published by Affinity Publishing Group, inc. The cost of the book is $230 plus tax and shipping. . Allow 7 -10 days for delivery.
. 13 reasons you must buy this book .
God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse written by Angela Renee.
Do you know that Cain and Abel are Fraternal Twins?
. Do you know that Jesus will have a new name when he returns?
. Do you know that only 144,000 will accept and hear this truth from God's word?
. Do you know that the 144,000 will be from the 12 tribes of Israel that have been scattered throughout the world?
. Do you know that Cain is the first born son of Satan?
. Do you know that Abel is the first born son of God?
. Do you know that Jesus said we are to obey the laws and commandments given by Moses?
. Do you know why Jesus will say I never knew you?
. Do you know that God is against the rapture and those who teach you to fly to save your soul?
. Do you know Abel was born again as Jesus?
. Do you know that the body of Jesus is dead?
. And do you know that the 1st and the last is Abel?
. Do you know that the unveiling in Revelation is the truth about the false teachings of the world?
. Do you know that God is about to close heaven and no prayers will be answered until the apocalypse is over?
. If you don't know half of the questions just asked of you,. then you need to buy this book.
. People laugh at the cost of $230 for this book.. but it is nothing compared to the price Jesus paid on the cross. People will pay over a $1000 for a concert ticket and have nothing left when it is over. People pay over $1000 for a new cell phone and then buy a new one the next year for even more money.
.The Apocalypse is here and you must act quickly to not be caught off guard and remain indifferent like those who do not know the truth. Do you want to know the truth? Is life just grand and you believe the world is okay? If you do, then you do not need this book. Otherwise, go to apocalypseofgod.com or to your local book store and purchase your copy of God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse written by Angela Renee.
go to apocalypseofgod.com or to your local book store and purchase your copy of God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse written by Angela Renee.
Customer Reviews
Amazing photos that truly capture the essence of worship before God's throne as described by Ezekiel, not like the pictures on the internet.
The Rubik's cube of understanding the bible. Book is expensive but not expensive compared to what people pay for phones and concert tickets. The teachings will last forever, while the others will fade with time.
These photos are a powerful reminder of the ancient prophecies and God's majesty and reveal the truth about why we are to only worship God and not images, photos, or man or woman or beast.
About Us
God's Final Warning! The Apocalypse is the truth of the Word of God and the judgments that will be coming to this earth. Angela Renee' was selected by God to deliver this message to the world for God, and has, to the best of her ability, to simply relay the message that God has sent through Moses, the Prophets, and Jesus regarding what God finds wrong with this world and wants cleaned up now. The message relayed to Angela Renee' by God is the song he has put in her heart and mind so that the world has a chance to turn in the right direction towards God. Not perfect as no man or woman or beast can be, but perfect in our imperfection to try to do the will of God and follow the laws and commandments of God, with the faith of Jesus.
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